3.5. Starting the Open edX Developer Stack

After you have installed Devstack within Docker, you can start Open edX services. You start the edX services with the following command. This command mounts the repositories under the DEVSTACK_WORKSPACE directory.

make dev.up

3.5.1. Connecting to Services

After it starts, each service is accessible at localhost on a specific port. The table below provides links to the homepage of each service. Since some services are not meant to be user-facing, the homepage may be the API root.

After the services have started, you can get shell access to one of the services with a make <service>-shell command. For example, to access the Catalog/Course Discovery Service, run this command.

make discovery-shell

3.5.2. Viewing Logs

To see logs from containers running in detached mode, run the following command.

make logs

As an alternative, you can use Docker’s Kitematic feature, which is available from the Docker for Mac menu.

To view the logs of a specific service container, run a make <service>-logs command. For example, to access the logs for the Ecommerce service, run this command.

make ecommerce-logs

3.5.3. Restarting Services

To restart a particular service, run a docker-compose restart <service> command. For example, to restart the Studio service, run the following command.

docker-compose restart studio

3.5.4. Restarting Devstack

To reset your environment and start provisioning from scratch, run the following command.

make destroy

For information on all the available make commands, run the following command.

make help

3.5.5. Default Accounts

When you install an Open edX system, the following user accounts are created by default.

Account Description
staff@example.com An LMS and Studio user with course creation and editing permissions. This user is a course team member with the Admin role, which gives rights to work with the demonstration course in Studio, the LMS, and Insights.
verified@example.com A student account that you can use to access the LMS for testing verified certificates.
audit@example.com A student account that you can use to access the LMS for testing course auditing.
honor@example.com A student account that you can use to access the LMS for testing honor code certificates.

The default password for all of these accounts is edx.