7.6. Conditional Module

7.6.1. Format description

The main tag of conditional module input is conditional.

<conditional> ... </conditional>

conditional can include any number of any xmodule tags (html, video, poll, etc.) or show tags. conditional tag

The main container for a single instance of a conditional module. The following attributes can be specified for this tag.

sources - location id of required modules, separated by ';'
[message | ""] - message for case, where one or more are not passed. Here you can use variable {link}, which generate link to required module.

[submitted] - map to `is_submitted` module method.
(pressing RESET button makes this function to return False.)

[correct] - map to `is_correct` module method
[attempted] - map to `is_attempted` module method
[poll_answer] - map to `poll_answer` module attribute
[voted] - map to `voted` module attribute show tag

Symlink to some set of xmodules. The following attributes can be specified for this tag.

sources - location id of modules, separated by ';'

7.6.2. Example Examples of conditional depends on poll

<conditional sources="i4x://MITx/0.000x/poll_question/first_real_poll_seq_with_reset" poll_answer="man"
message="{link} must be answered for this to become visible.">
        <h2>You see this because your vote value for "First question" was "man"</h2>
</conditional> Examples of conditional depends on poll (use <show> tag)

<conditional sources="i4x://MITx/0.000x/poll_question/first_real_poll_seq_with_reset" poll_answer="man"
message="{link} must be answered for this to become visible.">
        <show sources="i4x://MITx/0.000x/problem/test_1; i4x://MITx/0.000x/Video/Avi_resources; i4x://MITx/0.000x/problem/test_1"/>
</conditional> Examples of conditional depends on problem

<conditional sources="i4x://MITx/0.000x/problem/Conditional:lec27_Q1" attempted="True">
    <html display_name="HTML for attempted problem">You see this, cause "lec27_Q1" is attempted.</html>
<conditional sources="i4x://MITx/0.000x/problem/Conditional:lec27_Q1" attempted="False">
    <html display_name="HTML for not attempted problem">You see this because "lec27_Q1" is not attempted.</html>