7.23. Multiple Choice and Numerical Input Problem

You can create a problem that combines a multiple choice and numerical input problems. Students not only select a response from options that you provide, but also provide more specific information, if necessary.

Image of a multiple choice and numerical input problem


Currently, students can only enter numerals in the text field. Students cannot enter words or mathematical expressions, which might be confusing to students used to normal edX numerical inputs.

7.23.1. Create a Multiple Choice and Numerical Input Problem

To create a multiple choice and numerical input problem:

  1. In the unit where you want to create the problem, click Problem under Add New Component, and then click the Advanced tab.
  2. Click Blank Advanced Problem.
  3. In the component that appears, click Edit.
  4. In the component editor, paste the code from below.
  5. Replace the example problem and response options with your own text.
  6. Click Save.

7.23.2. Multiple Choice and Numerical Input Problem Code

The numerical value of pi, rounded to two decimal points, is 3.24.
<choice correct="false">True.</choice>
<choice correct="true">False. The correct value is <numtolerance_input answer="3.14"/>.</choice>