14.6. Provide Feedback on Contributions

As you read the contributions that other students and course team members make to discussion topics, you can provide feedback without writing a complete response or comment. You can:

To select a feedback option, you use the icons at the top right of each post, response, or comment. When you move your cursor over these icons a label appears.

The icons at top right of a post, shown before the cursor is placed over each one and with the Vote, Follow, and More labels

When you click the “More” icon, a menu of available options opens. Options vary depending on whether the contribution is a post, response, or comment, and on whether you are a student or a member of the discussion team.

The More icon expanded to show a menu with one option and a menu with three options

14.6.1. Vote for Posts or Responses

If you like a post or one of its responses, you can vote for it. Hover over the plus sign (+) icon for the post or response, and then click Vote.

A post with the Vote icon circled

You can sort the list of posts so that the posts with the most votes appear at the top: click the drop-down list of sorting options and select by most votes.

The list of posts with the "by most votes" sorting option and the number of votes for the post circled

You can see the number of votes that each post has received in the list of posts. (Votes for responses are not included in the number.)

14.6.2. Follow Posts

If you find a post particularly interesting and want to return to it in the future, you can follow it. To follow a post, hover over the star icon for the post, and then click Follow.

A post with the Follow icon circled

Each post that you follow appears with a “Following” indicator in the list of posts.

To list only the posts that you are following, regardless of the discussion topic they apply to, click the drop-down Discussion list and select Posts I’m Following.

The list of posts with the "Posts I'm Following" filter selected. Every post in the list shows the following indicator.

14.6.3. Answer Questions and Mark Questions as Answered

Anyone in a course can answer questions. Just add a response with your answer to the question post.

You can indicate that a response to your own question post is the correct answer. To do this, hover over the check mark icon for the response, and then click Mark as Answer.

A question and a response, with the Mark as Answer icon circled

After at least one response is marked as the answer, a check or tick mark image replaces the question mark image for the post in the list of posts.

The list of posts with images identifying unanswered and answered questions and discussions


The discussion moderation team can mark any response as correct. Students can only mark responses as correct for their own posts.

14.6.4. Report Discussion Misuse

You can flag any post, response, or comment for a discussion moderator to review: view the contribution, click the “More” icon, and then click Report.

A post and a response with the "Report" link circled