Developer Documentation


This site is deprecated and now mostly links you out to other places. The site will be shutdown after Jan 1, 2023

For more up-to-date content, see

Other General Docs

Architecture and Best Practices

Open edX Technology Radar

A bird’s eye view of the decisions, tools and technologies that have been adopted or rejected for Open edX development.

Open edX Proposals

Technical decisions made by the Open edX community, in the form of best practices, architecture design, or development processes.

Architecture and Engineering Confluence page

Confluence page for notes, thoughts, and project-related documents on Open edX architecture and engineering.

Open edX Micro-frontend Developer’s Guide

General guidelines for developing micro-frontends in the Open edX platform.

(Legacy) Open edX Developer’s Guide

General guidelines for developing on various parts of the Open edX code base.

Open edX Development


The local development environment for developing in the Open edX platform.

Open edX Named Releases

Information on each stable Open edX named release.

Open edX Extensions and APIs

Landing page for supported APIs and extensions to the Open edX platform.