Public API and App Organization#




The original apps in the library (e.g. cache and monitoring) exposed a public API via

There are several problems with the original organization of the app code:

  • It was easy to forget to add new code to the public API, or ignore this requirement. For example, the Middleware didn’t follow the same process.

  • It was easy for a user of the library to mistakenly use code from a different module in the app, rather than through the public API.


All implementation code should be moved to an internal module.

using monitoring as an example, the public API would be exposed as follows in edx_django_utils/monitoring/

from .internal.somemodule import ...

The benefits of this setup include:

  • A clear designation of what is part of the public API.

  • The ability to refactor the implementation without changing the API.

  • A clear reminder to developers adding new code that it needs to be exposed if it is public.

  • A clear reminder to developers using the library not to use code from the internal implementation.


Whenever a new class or function is added to the edx_django_utils public API, it should be implemented in the Django app’s internal module and explicitly imported in its module.

Additionally, some existing apps will need to be refactored.