Root Directories for Theme Files

Themes are located outside of the Open edX source directories, in any location you like. For example, you might make a directory called /my-open-edx-themes.

Within that directory, you create a separate directory for each Open edX repository that you want to create a theme for, such as edx-platform and ecommerce.

Within each of those directories, you create another directory and name it for your theme, such as my-theme. You can create a number of themes, each with their own name. Within each theme directory, you create directories and files to parallel the structure in the corresponding Open edX repository.

After you create these directories, you might have a structure like this one.

├── ecommerce
│   └── my-theme
└── edx-platform
    └── my-theme
        ├── cms
        └── lms

You must give the files that you create for a theme the same relative file paths and file names as the default files that they override. Different root directories for the relative paths apply to Studio, the LMS, and the E-commerce service.

  • For Studio and the LMS, relative file paths are from the root directory of the local clone of the edx/edx-platform repository in your installation directory.

  • For the E-commerce service, relative file paths are from the ecommerce directory of the local clone of the edx/ecommerce repository in your installation directory.

For example, the root directory for the relative file paths of your theme files might be at one of the following file paths.

  • For the LMS UI or Studio UI, /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform.

  • For the UI of the E-commerce service, /edx/app/ecommerce/ecommerce/ecommerce.

The following subdirectories hold the UI files that you can override.

  • static holds media files such as images and styling resources such as Syntactically Awesome Style Sheet (Sass) files that produce Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) files.

  • templates holds Python web application page templates that produce the HTML for UI pages.