Check the Status of a Course in Publisher#
You can check the status of a course at any time.
For an overview of a course, open Publisher and select Courses in the left pane. The table lists each course that you have permission to view, along with the following information for that course.
The edX project coordinator.
The number of course runs that have been created.
Whether the course team has reviewed the course (“Reviewed) or is currently working on the course (“In Draft”).
The day that the course team created or reviewed the course.
Whether edX has reviewed (“Reviewed”), is currently reviewing (“In Draft”), or has not received (“n/a”) the course.
The date when edX reviewed the course or the course team sent the course for review.
To check the status of a course, follow these steps.
In Publisher, go to the Courses page, and select the course that you want from the list.
On the page for the course, locate Reviews in the right pane.
Under Reviews, the following information is visible.
The member of the course team who sent the course for review.
The date and time the course was sent for review.
The name of the member of the edX marketing team who is completing the review.
The number of days the course has been in review.