EdX recommends that you designate course staff and optionally student teaching assistants (TAs) to moderate team discussions. The same discussion administration roles for managing course discussions on the Discussions page apply to discussion administration for team discussions. Course team members and student TAs who already have discussion moderation roles for course discussions on the Discussions page can perform the same roles for discussions in teams.
For information about discussion administration roles, see Assigning Discussion Moderation Roles. For information about managing discussions, see Running Course Discussions.
Members of the team, discussion community TAs, and course staff with the roles of Discussion Admin or Discussion Moderator can post to a team’s discussion. Team members can edit their own posts, reply to posts and comments, follow and flag posts, and so on.
Posts made by discussion community TAs are marked with a Community TA label in the discussion navigation pane, and those made by discussion moderators or discussion admins are marked with a Staff label.
Discussion moderators, discussion admins, and community TAs can perform the following actions in team discussions, without being a member of the team.
Review, edit, or delete messages
Pin, close, or reopen posts
Endorse responses
Responses and comments made by community TAs have a Community TA label.
Responses and comments made by discussion moderators or discussion administrators have a Staff label.