17. Bookmarking Course Content

To mark course content so that you can come back to it later, you can bookmark any course page, up to a limit of 100 bookmarks for any one course.

The course material that you bookmark is identified in the unit navigation bar on the Course page, or you can see a list of all of your bookmarks on the My Bookmarks page.

For more information, see the following topics.

17.1. Add or Remove a Bookmark

You can bookmark any page in the course. To bookmark a page, select Bookmark this page under the name of the page.

A course page showing the Bookmark control.

After you add a bookmark, Bookmark this page changes to Bookmarked, and an indicator appears in the unit navigation bar.

A course page showing "Bookmarked" and a bookmark icon in the unit navigation bar.

To remove a bookmark from a page, select Bookmarked.

After you remove a bookmark, Bookmarked changes back to Bookmark this page, and the indicator disappears from the unit navigation bar.

17.2. View Your Bookmarks

As you go through the course, you can see which pages are bookmarked in the unit navigation bar on the Course page. You can also see a list of all of your bookmarks on the My Bookmarks page.

To access the My Bookmarks page, select Bookmarks on the course page.

On the Course page, the Bookmarks link appears under the Course Tools heading in the sidebar.

The My Bookmarks page lists all of the pages you have bookmarked in the course, with the most recently created ones at the top. This page includes the location of the bookmarked material and the date that you added the bookmark.

To go to any bookmarked page, click anywhere in the box for that bookmark.