8. Computation Reference#
This chapter provides detailed information about how values presented by edX Insights are computed.
8.1. All Computations#
Computations for the different metrics reported by edX Insights take place at different times. In addition, computations for reports and metrics that are available from the Instructor Dashboard of a course take place on a different schedule. As a result, differences can occur.
All users who are enrolled in a course are included in the computations for that course. This means that in addition to the learners, all of the course team members, beta testers, and discussion moderation team members are included.
Account activation is not considered by the edX Insights computations. EdX Insights includes a learner who registers a user account and enrolls in a course, but does not activate the user account, in all computations as of the date and time of enrollment.
8.2. Enrollment Computations#
The number of enrolled learners is computed every day, and the values reported on the Enrollment Activity page in edX Insights are updated every day.
For information about viewing enrollment activity data in edX Insights, see Enrollment Activity.
Enrollment metric
Users are included in the count as of the date and time they enroll in a course.
Users who unenroll are excluded from the count as of the date and time they unenroll.
The daily computations use the enrollment status of each user as of 23:59 UTC on the previous day.
Course team members can enroll learners from the Membership page in the Instructor Dashboard by supplying a list of email addresses or usernames. Actual resulting enrollments can occur on different dates, as follows.
When the Auto Enroll option is cleared, each learner must manually complete the enrollment process for the course. Users are included as of the date and time they enroll.
When Auto Enroll is selected, each learner who already has a user account is enrolled in the course and included in the count as of the date and time the initiating team member clicks Enroll.
Learners who are automatically enrolled in a course but have not yet registered a user account are included as of the date and time that they do register their user accounts.
Enrollment Over Time chart
The filled area of this stacked area chart represents the number of users who are currently enrolled in the course each day.
The x-axis shows dates from course creation through the end of the last update period.
The y-axis shows the number of currently enrolled users.
For courses that offer more than one enrollment option or certification track, different colors in the filled area represent the contribution of each option or track to the current enrollment count.
Each enrolled learner is included in one, and only one, of the possible enrollment tracks on a given date. The learner’s enrollment track as of 23:59 UTC is used each day.
Enrollment Over Time report
This report includes a column for each enrollment option or certification track offered by the course. The columns that can appear for edx.org courses follow.
The Audit column reports the count of learners enrolled in the audit track.
For courses offered after December 2015, learners who choose the audit enrollment option are not eligible to receive certificates.
For courses that ran between August 2013 and October 2014, a certificate- eligible audit track option was available. Learners who enrolled in the audit track and passed the course could request honor certificates.
The Verified column reports the count of learners enrolled in the verified track. This count does not include learners who have made the additional choice to receive credit (if the course offers credit).
The Verified with Credit column reports the count of learners enrolled in the verified track who have chosen to receive credit if they pass the course.
The Professional column reports the count of learners enrolled through a professional education program.
The Honor column reports the count of learners enrolled in the certificate-eligible honor track.
8.3. Demographic Computations#
During edX user account registration, learners can provide demographic data about themselves. Demographic distributions are computed every day to reflect changes in course enrollment.
Currently, learners make selections from drop-down lists on the edx.org and edge.edx.org registration pages to provide demographic data.
Learners cannot change the selections that they make after registration is complete.
Past versions of the registration pages used different options to collect demographic information. For example, the choices available to characterize educational background have been relabeled. EdX makes a best effort to normalize learner responses to the labels that are currently being presented.
For information about viewing learner demographic data in edX Insights, see Enrollment Demographics.
Age chart
Learners can select a year of birth. Learner age is computed as the difference between the current year and the selected year of birth.
Each bar in the histogram represents the number of enrolled users (y-axis) of that age (x-axis).
Learners who did not provide a year of birth at registration are not represented in the histogram.
Age band metrics
Computed learner ages are grouped into three age bands: 0-25 years old, 26-40 years old, and 41 years old and above.
The percentage of learners in each age band is computed from the number of enrolled learners who provided a year of birth. Learners who did not provide a year of birth at registration are not included.
Educational Background chart
Learners can select a highest level of education completed.
Each bar in the histogram represents the percentage of enrolled users (y-axis) who selected a completion level (x-axis).
Percentages are calculated based on the number of currently enrolled learners who reported an educational level, not on the total number of enrolled learners.
The table that follows shows each edX Insights label, the option that learners can select at registration, and a brief description.
edX Insights Label
Learner Response
No formal education.
Elementary/primary school
Initial schooling lasting approximately six years.
Junior secondary/junior high/middle school
Continuing basic education lasting two to three years.
Secondary/high school
More specialized preparation for continuing education or employment lasting three to four years.
Associate degree
Completion of two years of post-secondary education.
Bachelor’s degree
Completion of four years of post-secondary education.
Master’s or professional degree
Certification for advanced academic or occupationally specific education.
Advanced qualification for original research.
Educational Background band metrics
Learner educational backgrounds are grouped into three bands, as follows.
Learner Response
High school diploma or less
No Formal Education, Elementary/primary school, Junior secondary/junior high/middle school, Secondary/high school
College Degree
Associate degree, Bachelor’s degree
Advanced Degree
Master’s or professional degree, Doctorate
The percentage of learners in each band is computed from the number of enrolled learners who provided an educational level completed. Learners who did not provide this information at registration are not included.
Gender chart and report
Learners can select a gender. The chart depicts the percentage of learners who selected each choice (Female, Male, Other/Prefer Not to Say).
The chart only includes learners who reported their genders. The percentages shown in the chart are computed for currently enrolled learners who did select a gender.
The report includes all currently enrolled learners. For each day, the report includes the daily enrollment count followed by columns that break down the enrollment count by Female, Male, Other, or Not Reported.
8.4. Location Computations#
The geographic locations of learners are updated every day.
User location is determined from the IP address used during interactions with course content. An ISO 3166 country code is associated with each IP address.
The last known location of each user, as of the end of the previous day, is used.
User location is determined without regard to a specific course. Users who are enrolled in more than one course are identified as being in the same location for all of their courses.
For information about viewing geographic data in edX Insights, see Enrollment Geography.
Geographic Distribution map
The number of users and the percentage of the current course enrollment is provided for each country or region.
Users with IP addresses that cannot be located, or that result in a “non- country” code such as A1 (Anonymous Proxy), A2 (Satellite Provider), or O1 (Other Country), are reported in an “Unknown” category.
The computational frequency and approaches used to determine user location and user enrollment status are different. As a result, you might note discrepancies between the current number of learners reported by the Enrollment Activity and Enrollment Geography sections of edX Insights.
Total Countries or Regions Represented metric
The sum of the unique country codes identified from user IP addresses.
This total does not include “non-country” ISO codes such as A1, A2, or O1.
Top Country or Region by Enrollment metric
The country or region in which the largest number of users is located. The countries or regions in which the second and third largest numbers of users are located are identified as well.
8.5. Engagement Computations#
8.5.1. Content Engagement Computations#
The computations for engagement with course content are updated once a week, typically on Mondays.
Computations are made on data collected through Sunday at 23:59 UTC (11:59 pm).
Changes over a one week period are computed for the period Monday at 00:00 UTC through Sunday at 23:59 UTC.
Measures of learner engagement with course content identify the number of unique users who completed an activity during a week.
Each unique user who engages in one of the categories of activity increases the count for that category by 1. A learner who completes 10 problems increases the count of learners who tried a problem by 1. The same learner also increases the overall count of active learners by 1.
For information about viewing engagement metrics in edX Insights, see Engagement with Course Content.
Active Learners Last Week metric
The number of unique users who visited any page in the course (a URL) at least once during the last update period.
Some examples of the activities that a learner can complete on a page, and that are included in this count, include contributing to a discussion topic, reading a textbook, submitting an answer to any type of problem, playing a video, and reviewing course updates on the Home page.
This metric includes all course activities, excluding enrollment and unenrollment.
This value is also expressed as a percentage of currently enrolled learners.
Watched a Video Last Week metric
The number of unique users who clicked play for at least one of the course videos.
Only videos that were played on the edX platform video player are included.
This value is also expressed as a percentage of currently enrolled learners.
Tried a Problem Last Week metric
The number of unique users who submitted an answer for at least one problem of these types:
Checkboxes (<choiceresponse>)
Dropdown (<optionresponse>)
Multiple choice (<multiplechoiceresponse>)
Numerical input (<numericalresponse>)
Text input (<stringresponse>)
Math expression input (<formularesponse>)
This value is also expressed as a percentage of currently enrolled learners.
Participated in Discussions Last Week metric
The number of unique users who added a post, response, or comment to any topic in the course discussion.
This value is also expressed as a percentage of currently enrolled learners.
Weekly Learner Engagement graph
The markers on the graph represent the number of users who interacted with different aspects of the course each week.
The x-axis includes computations made from course creation through the end of the last update period.
Computations are updated weekly.
The y-axis shows the number of unique users.
8.5.2. Video Engagement Computations#
Video engagement data is updated every day to include video activity through the end of the previous day (23:59 UTC).
EdX Insights makes the following computations for video engagement.
To estimate the number of complete views, edX Insights counts the number of unique viewers at the point in the video that is either 30 seconds from the end, or at the 95% complete mark, whichever means that more of the video has elapsed.
EdX Insights counts each five second segment of a video as played if any part of it occurs between the play action and a pause, seek, or stop action.
Only videos that were played on the edX platform video player are included.
For information about reviewing data for videos in edX Insights, see Engagement with Course Videos.
Video Views stacked bar chart
Each bar in the histogram represents data for all of the video components in a section or subsection, or for the videos in a unit.
The x-axis shows the sections, subsections, or units in the course.
The y-axis shows the average number of times videos in this section or subsection were viewed, or the total number for individual videos in a unit. The lower part of each bar, shaded green, shows the number of learners who started playing the video and were also playing the video at the point in the video near the end (complete views of the video). The upper area of the bar, shaded gray, shows the number of learners who started playing the video minus the number who were playing the video near its end (incomplete views of the video).
Total Video Views stacked area chart
The x-axis shows the duration of the video.
The y-axis shows the number of play events.
The filled area of this stacked area chart represents the total number of times each five second segment of a video file has played.
The area shaded in lighter blue represents the number of unique users who played that segment of the video.
The area shaded in darker blue represents the number of additional views, or replays, of that segment of the video.
Video metrics
The number of learners who were playing the video at the point in the video that is either 30 seconds from the end, or at the 95% complete mark, whichever means that more of the video elapsed, divided by the number of learners who started playing the video.
The number of learners who started playing the video file.
The number of learners who were playing the video at the point near its end.
8.6. Performance Computations#
Learner answer data is available only for problems of these types.
Checkboxes (
)Dropdown (
)Multiple choice (
)Numerical input (
)Text input (
)Math expression input (
For information about the problem types that can be included in courses and their settings, see Creating Exercises and Tools.
Checkbox, multiple choice, and numerical input problems can be set up to award partial credit. When a learner receives either full or partial credit for a problem, Insights includes that answer as completely correct.
For data to be available for a problem, at least one learner must have submitted an answer for that problem after 6 Mar 2014.
Computations are updated daily.
Only a learner’s last submission, or attempt to answer, is included in the computation. Any attempts prior to the last submission are not included.
Computations for graded content include only problems for which learners can click Submit to submit their responses. If learners can only save their responses without submitting them (that is, if the Maximum Attempts for the problem is set to 0), data is not available for learner submission computations.
Only problem activity that occurred after 23 Oct 2013 is included.
Graded Content Submissions .csv file
The .csv file contains a superset of the data that is included in the Submission Counts chart and report. The .csv file contains the following columns.
Column |
Description |
The text label of the answer choice for checkboxes, dropdown, and multiple choice problems. The value entered by the learner for text input, numerical input, and math expression input problems. Answer choices selected by at least one learner after 23 Oct 2013, but
not selected after 6 Mar 2014, do not include an |
TRUE if the Studio Randomization setting for this problem component is set to Always, On Reset, or Per Learner, but there is no variation in the possible answers. Often, this indicates that the Python script that randomizes values for the problem is not present, or that the multiple choice problem is not currently set up to shuffle the answer options. FALSE if the Studio Randomization setting for this problem component is set to Never (the default) or if the Python script or multiple choice question is randomizing values. |
TRUE if this answer value is correct. FALSE if this answer value is incorrect. |
The number of learners who entered or selected this answer. Only the most recent attempt submitted for the problem or problem variant by each learner is included in the count. The count reflects the entire problem history. If you change a problem after it is released, it might not be possible for you to determine which answers were given before and after you made the change. |
The identifier for the course run. |
The date and time of the computation. |
The internal identifier for the problem component. |
For a problem component that contains multiple questions, the internal identifier for each question. For a problem component that contains a single question, the internal identifier of that problem. |
The display name defined for the problem. |
The accessible label that appears above the answer choices or the value entry field for the problem. In the Studio simple editor, this text is surrounded by two pairs of angle brackets (>>Question<<). Blank for questions that do not have an accessible label. For problems that use the Randomization setting in Studio, if a
particular answer has not been selected since 6 Mar 2014, the
The internal identifier for the answer choice provided for checkboxes and multiple choice problems. Blank for dropdown, numerical input, text input, and math expression input problems. |
For problems that use the Randomization setting in Studio, the unique identifier for a variant of the problem. Blank for problems that have this setting defined as Never (the default). |
After you download the .csv file, be aware that different spreadsheet applications can display the same data in different ways.
Not all spreadsheet applications interpret and render UTF-8 encoded characters correctly.
Some spreadsheet applications alter data for display purposes, such as inserting zeroes into numbers expressed as decimals. For example, the learner answer “.5” can be appear in a spreadsheet as “0.5”.
If you notice characters that do not display as expected, or multiple lines
that have the same answer_value
but different counts, try opening the file
in a different spreadsheet application or a text editor.
8.7. Individual Learner Computations#
For information about the report and charts that are available in Insights for individual learner activities, see Learner Activity.
The computations for these metrics are updated daily and use the enrollment status and activities of each learner as of 23:59 UTC on the previous day.
The report includes a row for every learner who ever enrolled in the course. Activity metrics include activity in the last seven days.
The chart plots activity for a selected learner throughout the course. It is not limited to the last seven days.
The metrics for problems (the Problems Tried and Problems Correct counts, and the Attempts per Problem Correct ratio) include only problems of these types.
Checkboxes (
)Dropdown (
)Multiple choice (
)Numerical input (
)Text input (
)Math expression input (
The Problems Correct metric counts each problem component as one problem, regardless of how many questions are included in the component.
The Attempts per Problem Correct ratio is computed as the number of attempts made to answer problems of these types correctly divided by the Problems Correct count.
If the denominator (Problems Correct) for this ratio is 0, N/A displays in this column.
Insights does not display the value that is used as the numerator for this ratio.
The Videos Played count includes each unique video file that the learner played for any length of time.
The Discussion Contributions count includes each post, response, or comment added by the learner. It does not include any other interactions, such as editing a past contribution or voting for a post or response.
The percentiles that are used to provide color and font cues on the learner roster and key activity report are computed for each metric individually. The percentile computations use only the data for learners who engaged in the activity: learners with a count of zero are not included.
Values in the 15th percentile or below appear underlined and in red font.
Values in the 16th to 84th percentile appear in black.
Values in the 85th percentile and above appear in bold, green font.
8.8. Error Conditions#
The data that edX collects from learner interactions has expanded over time to capture increasingly specific information, and continues to expand as we add new features to the platform. As a result, more data is available for courses that are running now, or that ran recently, than for courses that ran in the past. Not all data for every value reported by edX Insights is available for every course run.
In the following situations, data might not be available in edX Insights.
EdX changed the method used to track learner enrollments on 3 Dec 2013. For courses created in Studio prior to 4 Dec 2013, edX Insights reports enrollment activity beginning with the enrollment count on 11 Nov 2013.
For courses with a very small number of enrolled users, such as newly created courses, data for enrollment activity, enrollment geography, or both, might not be available.
For courses that do not have any recorded learner interactions, such as test courses and courses that finished running early in the history of the edX platform, data for enrollment activity and learner engagement might not be available.
Charts are not available for problems that use the Randomization setting in Studio. Because such problems can result in numerous possible submission variants, both correct and incorrect, edX Insights does not attempt to graph them. The Submissions report and downloadable .csv file are available for such problems, and include one row for each problem-variant-answer combination selected by your learners.