3.5.2. Starting Open edX Analytics Devstack

This section describes how to start the Open edX Analytics developer stack (analytics devstack). Starting the Open edX LMS

  1. Log in to analytics devstack.

    $ vagrant ssh
  2. Switch to the edxapp user.

    $ sudo su edxapp
  3. Start the LMS.

    $ paver devstack lms Starting the Open edX Analytics Data API

  1. Log in to analytics devstack.

    $ vagrant ssh
  2. Switch to the analytics_api user.

    $ sudo su analytics_api
  3. Start the Data API.

    $ ~/venvs/analytics_api/bin/python ~/analytics_api/manage.py runserver --insecure Starting Open edX Insights

  1. Log in to analytics devstack.

    $ vagrant ssh
  2. Switch to the insights user.

    $ sudo su insights
  3. Enable features that are disabled by default.

    $ ./manage.py waffle_switch display_verified_enrollment on --create
    $ ./manage.py waffle_switch enable_course_api on --create

    For a complete list of the waffle switches that are available, see Feature Gating.

  4. Start Insights.

    $ ~/venvs/insights/bin/python ~/edx_analytics_dashboard/manage.py runserver --insecure
  5. Open the URL in a browser on the host.


    Be sure to use the IP address instead of localhost. Using localhost will prevent you from logging in. Starting the Open edX Analytics Pipeline

  1. In the Devstack LMS, register a new user and enroll in the demo course.

  2. Navigate to the course body and submit answers to a few problems.

  3. Activate the data pipeline virtual environment as the hadoop user.

    $ sudo su hadoop
    $ cd /edx/app/analytics_pipeline/
    $ . venvs/analytics_pipeline/bin/activate
    $ cd analytics_pipeline/
    $ export LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH="$PWD/config/devstack.cfg"
  4. Run the enrollment task.

    $ launch-task ImportEnrollmentsIntoMysql --local-scheduler --interval-end $(date +%Y-%m-%d -d "tomorrow") --n-reduce-tasks 1
  5. Run the answer distribution task.

    $ export UNIQUE_NAME=$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H_%M_%SZ)
    $ launch-task AnswerDistributionWorkflow --local-scheduler \
          --src hdfs://localhost:9000/data/ \
          --include '*tracking.log*' \
          --dest hdfs://localhost:9000/edx-analytics-pipeline/output/answer_distribution_raw/$UNIQUE_NAME/data \
          --name $UNIQUE_NAME \
          --output-root hdfs://localhost:9000/edx-analytics-pipeline/output/answer_distribution/ \
          --marker hdfs://localhost:9000/edx-analytics-pipeline/output/answer_distribution_raw/$UNIQUE_NAME/marker \
          --n-reduce-tasks 1