3.4. Installing and Starting Analytics Devstack

This section provides information about how to install and start the Open edX analytics developer stack (Analytics Devstack).

3.4.1. Installation Prerequisites for Analytics Devstack

Before you install Analytics Devstack, make sure that you have met the installation prerequisites.

3.4.2. Install Analytics Devstack

To install Analytics Devstack, follow these steps.

  1. Follow steps 1 through 6 in Install Devstack.

  2. Pull the relevant Docker images by running the following commands.

    make pull
    make pull.analytics_pipeline
  3. Configure the Analytics Devstack by running the following provision command.

    make dev.provision.analytics_pipeline
  4. Start the analytics service by running the following command.

    make dev.up.analytics_pipeline

    This command mounts the respositories under the DEVSTACK_WORKSPACE directory. Note that it may take up to 60 seconds for Hadoop services to start.

  1. Access the analytics pipeline shell by running the following command.
make analytics-pipeline-shell Viewing Logs

To see logs from containers running in detached mode, run the following command.

make logs

As an alternative, you can use Docker’s Kitematic feature, which is available from the Docker for Mac menu.

To view the logs of a specific service container, run a make <service>-logs command. For example, to access the logs for Hadoop’s namenode, run this command.

make namenode-logs

For additional information, see Starting the Open edX Developer Stack.

For help with the Analytics Devstack installation, see troubleshooting_devstack_installation.