3.2. Installation Prerequisites

To use Devstack or Analytics Devstack successfully, you must meet the following knowledge and software requirements.

3.2.1. Knowledge Prerequisites

Devstack and Analytics Devstack require an understanding of the following items.

  • Basic terminal usage. If you are using a Mac computer, see Introduction to the Mac OS X Command Line.
  • Diagnosing and fixing failures may involve many different technologies and skills. It will help to know these things.
    • The basics of how Python web applications are built, installed, and deployed.
    • How to manage a Linux system, including supervisor.
    • The basics of configuration management and automation. We use Ansible to automate the installation process.

3.2.2. Software Prerequisites

Devstack and Analytics Devstack require the following software.

  • make
  • Docker 17.06 CE or later. We recommend Docker Stable, but Docker Edge should work as well.

You must have docker-compose in your path. On macOS, installing Docker for Mac takes care of this requirement. Allocate Sufficient Resources to Docker

Since a Docker-based Devstack runs many containers, you should configure Docker with a sufficient amount of resources. We find that configuring Docker for Mac with a minimum of 2 CPUs and 6GB of memory works well. For more information, see the Docker documentation. Use overlay2 on Linux

If you are using Linux, use the overlay2 storage driver, kernel version 4.0+ and not overlay. To check which storage driver your docker-daemon uses, run the following command.

docker info | grep -i 'storage driver'