6.1. Install and Start the E-Commerce Service

To install and start the edX E-Commerce service, you must complete the following steps.

6.1.1. Set Up a Virtual Environment

  1. Create or activate a Python virtual environment. You execute all of the commands described in this section within the virtualenv (unless otherwise noted).

    For more information, see Virtual Environments.

  2. Run the following command to install dependencies.

    $ make requirements
  3. (Optional) Create settings overrides that you do not commit to the repository. To do this, create a file named ecommerce/settings/private.py. The ecommerce/settings/local.py file reads the values in this file, but Git ignores the file.

6.1.2. Run Migrations

To set up the ecommerce database, you must run migrations.


Local installations use SQLite by default. If you use another database backend, make sure you update your settings and create the database, if necessary, before you run migrations.

  1. To run migrations, execute the following command.

    $ make migrate

When you run migrations, the E-Commerce service adds a default site to your installation.

6.1.3. Configure edX OpenID Connect (OIDC)

The E-Commerce service relies on the edX OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication provider for login. OIDC is built on top of OAuth 2.0. Currently, the LMS serves as the authentication provider.

To configure the E-Commerce service to work with OIDC, complete the following procedures. Create and Register a Client

To create and register a new OIDC client, follow these steps.

  1. Install and start the Open edX devstack.

  2. In your browser, go to

  3. Select Add client.

  4. Leave the User field blank.

  5. For Client Name, enter E-Commerce Service.

  6. For URL, enter http://localhost:8002/.

  7. For Redirect URL, enter This is the OIDC client endpoint.

    The system automatically generates values in the Client ID and Client Secret fields.

  8. For Client Type, select Confidential (Web applications).

  9. Select Save. Designate the Client as Trusted

After you create your client, designate it as trusted. Trusted clients bypass the user consent form that usually appears after the system validates the user’s credentials.

To designate your client as trusted, follow these steps.

  1. In your browser, go to

  2. In the OAuth 2.0 clients list, select the redirect URL for the client that you just created.

  3. Select Save.

6.1.4. Configure a Site, Partner, and Site Configuration

To finish creating and configuring your OIDC client, you must configure a partner, site, and site configuration for the E-Commerce service to use. The site that you configure is the default site that the E-Commerce service adds when you run migrations. You must update this default site to match the domain that you will use to access the E-Commerce service. You must also set up a site configuration that contains an oauth_settings JSON field that stores your OIDC client’s settings, as follows.





OAuth 2.0 client key

The Client ID field in the Create and Register a Client section.


OAuth 2.0 client secret

The value from the Client Secret field in the Create and Register a Client section.


OAuth 2.0 authentication URL

For example,


OIDC ID token decryption key, used to validate the ID token



OIDC ID token issuer

For example,


User logout URL

For example,

To configure your default site, partner, and site configuration, use the appropriate settings module for your environment (ecommerce.settings.devstack for Devstack, ecommerce.settings.production for Fullstack) to run the following Django management command. This command updates the default site and creates a new partner and site configuration with the specified options.

$ sudo su ecommerce
$ python manage.py create_or_update_site --site-id=1 --site-domain=localhost:8002 --partner-code=edX --partner-name='Open edX' --lms-url-root=http://localhost:8000 --theme-scss-path=sass/themes/edx.scss --payment-processors=cybersource,paypal --client-id=[change to OIDC client ID] --client-secret=[change to OIDC client secret]


The --lms-url-root option must start with the desired protocol (e.g. http://). Add Another Site, Partner, and Site Configuration

If you want to add more sites, partners, and site configurations, you can use the create_or_update_site command. The following options are available for this command.







Database ID of a site you want to update.




Domain by which you will access the E-Commerce service.




Name of the E-Commerce site.

--site-name='Example E-Commerce'



Short code of the partner.




Name of the partner.

--partner-name='Open edX'



URL root of the Open edX LMS instance.




STATIC_ROOT relative path of the site’s SCSS file.




Comma-delimited list of payment processors used on the site.




OIDC client ID.




OIDC client secret.




Address from which email messages are sent.




Indication that specifies whether enrollment codes for seats can be created.




Email address displayed to user for payment support.




URL displayed to user for payment support.


To add another site, use the appropriate settings module for your environment (ecommerce.settings.devstack for Devstack, ecommerce.settings.production for Fullstack) to run the following Django management command. This command creates a new site, partner, and site configuration with the options that you specify.

$ sudo su ecommerce
$ python manage.py create_or_update_site --site-domain=[change me] --partner-code=[change me] --partner-name=[change me] --lms-url-root=[change me] --client-id=[OIDC client ID] --client-secret=[OIDC client secret] --from-email=[from email]

6.1.5. Start the Server

To complete the installation and start the E-Commerce service, follow these steps.


Local installations use SQLite by default. If you use another database backend, make sure you update your settings and create the database, if necessary, before you run migrations.

  1. (Devstack only) If you are using devstack, switch to the ecommerce user and use the ecommerce.settings.devstack settings module to run the following commands.

    $ sudo su ecommerce
    $ make serve
  2. To run the server, execute the following command.

    $ python manage.py runserver 8002


    If you use a different port, make sure you update the OIDC client by using the LMS Django Administration site. For more information about configuring the OIDC client, see Configure edX OpenID Connect (OIDC).

6.1.6. Switch from ShoppingCart to E-Commerce


The ShoppingCart service was deprecated in the Dogwood release of Open edX. Ecommerce-related tasks are now handled by the E-Commerce service.

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Open edX, follow these steps to use the E-Commerce service for ecommerce-related tasks instead of ShoppingCart.

  1. Sign in to the LMS Administration Django site for your base URL. For example, http://{your_URL}/admin.

  2. In the Commerce section, next to Commerce configuration, select Add.

  3. Select Enabled.

  4. Select Checkout on ecommerce service.

  5. (Optional) In the Single course checkout page field, override the default path value of /basket/single-item/ with your own path value.


    If you override the default path value, you must also change all of the code that relies on that path.

  6. Set the Cache Time To Live value in seconds.

  7. Select the site for which you want to enable the E-Commerce service.

  8. Select Save.

6.1.7. Development Outside Devstack

If you are running the LMS in devstack but would prefer to run the E-Commerce service on your host, set up a reverse port-forward. This reverse port-forward allows the LMS process inside your devstack to use to make calls to the E-Commerce service running on your host. This simplifies LMS URL configuration.

To set up a reverse port-forward, execute the following command when you SSH into your devstack. Make sure that you run this command on the VM host, not the guest.

$ vagrant ssh -- -R 8002: