16.2. Automatic Email Messages from the Open edX Platform

To help learners become and remain engaged in a course, the Open edX platform can send automatic email messages that notify learners of responses to discussion posts.


Before the system can send automatic email messages for any courses, a system administrator must enable automatic messages on the instance of the Open edX platform. For more information, see Enable Discussion Notifications.

16.2.1. Automatic Email Message Text

After a learner or course team member creates a post in the course discussions, the platform sends the following email message the first time a learner or course team member replies to the original post.

Subject: Response to <title of post>

<username> replied to <title of post>:

  <text of comment>

The message also contains a View discussion option that takes the learner to the discussion post.

The platform does not send individual messages for any additional replies on the post. For more information, see Receiving Notifications.