11.4. Keeping Up with New Activity#

This topic describes how to keep up with discussion activity in your edX course.

11.4.1. Reading New or Updated Posts#

The list of posts in the discussion navigation pane on the Discussion page provides visual cues to help you distinguish posts that are new, or that have responses or comments that you have not read yet, from exchanges that you have already read completely. For information about the labels and icons used in posts, see Discussion Navigation Pane. Sorting by Activity#

In the discussion navigation pane you can sort posts by activity. To do this, select the drop-down list of sorting options at the top of the discussion navigation pane and select either by recent activity or by most activity.

Sorting by recent activity changes the order of the posts so that the post that was most recently updated appears at the top of the list. Updating includes having responses or comments added.

Sorting by most activity changes the order of the posts so that posts with the most responses or comments appear at the top of the list. Sorting by Likes#

In the discussion navigation pane you can sort posts by the number of likes received. To do this, select the drop-down list of sorting options at the top of the discussion navigation pane, and select by Most Likes.

Sorting by the most likes changes the order of the posts so that posts that have received the most likes appear at the top of the list.

For more information about voting for posts, see Like Posts or Responses.

11.4.2. Receiving Notifications#

When you add a post to a discussion, you might receive an email notification about the first reply to the post. Receiving Email Notifications#

If your course is set up to send email notifications for discussion posts, the first time another learner or member of the course team responds to a post that you have made, you receive an email notification.

You only receive an email notification for the first response.