Add Code_Owner Custom Attributes to an IDA#

What are the code owner custom attributes?#

The code owner custom attributes can be used to create custom dashboards and alerts for monitoring the things that you own. It was originally introduced for the LMS, as is described in this ADR on monitoring by code owner.

The code owner custom attributes consist of:

  • code_owner: The owner name. When themes and squads are used, this will be the theme and squad names joined by a hyphen.

  • code_owner_theme: The theme name of the owner.

  • code_owner_squad: The squad name of the owner. Use this to avoid issues when theme name changes.

You can now easily add this same attribute to any IDA so that your dashboards and alerts can work across multiple IDAs at once.

If you want to know about custom attributes in general, see Enhanced Monitoring and Custom Attributes.

Setting up the Middleware#

You simply need to add edx_django_utils.monitoring.CodeOwnerMonitoringMiddleware as described in the README to make this functionality available. Then it is ready to be configured.

Handling celery tasks#

Celery tasks require use of a special decorator to set the code_owner custom attributes because no middleware will be run.

Here is an example:

def example_task():

If the task is not compatible with additional decorators, you can use the following alternative:

def example_task():

An untested potential alternative to the decorator is documented in the Code Owner for Celery Tasks ADR, should we run into maintenance issues using the decorator.

Configuring your app settings#

Once the Middleware is made available, simply set the Django Settings CODE_OWNER_MAPPINGS and CODE_OWNER_THEMES appropriately.

The following example shows how you can include an optional config for a catch-all using '*'. Although you might expect this example to use Python, it is intentionally illustrated in YAML because the catch-all requires special care in YAML.

# YAML format of example CODE_OWNER_MAPPINGS
    - xblock_django
    - openedx.core.djangoapps.xblock
  - '*'  # IMPORTANT: you must surround * with quotes in yml

# YAML format of example CODE_OWNER_THEMES
  - theme-x-team-red
  - theme-x-team-blue

How to find and fix code_owner mappings#

If you are missing the code_owner custom attributes on a particular Transaction or Error, or if code_owner is matching the catch-all, but you want to add a more specific mapping, you can use the other code_owner supporting attributes to determine what the appropriate mappings should be.

Updating New Relic monitoring#

To update monitoring in the event of a squad or theme name change, see Update Monitoring for Squad or Theme Changes.