How to create a plugin app#


Do not use this plugin framework for required apps. Instead, explicitly add your required app to the INSTALLED_APPS of the IDA.

Using edx-cookiecutter#

The simplest way to create a new plugin for edx-platform is to use the edx-cookiecutter tool. After creating a new repository, follow the instructions for cookiecutter-django-app. This will allow you to skip step 1 below, as the cookie cutter will create a skeleton App Config for you.

Manual setup#

In order to make use of the edx_django_utils/plugin functionality, new plugin apps need to:

1. create an AppConfig class in their apps module, as described in Django’s Application Configuration.

2. add their AppConfig class to the appropriate entry point in their file:

from setuptools import setup
        "lms.djangoapp": [
            "my_app = full_python_path.my_app.apps:MyAppConfig",
        "cms.djangoapp": [
  1. (optional, but recommended) Create a top-level settings/ directory with and modules. This will allow you to use the PluginSettings.CONFIG option as written below.

  2. configure the Plugin App in their AppConfig. Note that in this example, we are explicitly configuring plugins for use in edx-platform. If your plugin is going to be used in another IDA, you may have different project and settings types. You will need to look at the IDA in question for what values it expects. You may want to add new values to the relevant enums.


from django.apps import AppConfig
from edx_django_utils.plugins.constants import (
    PluginURLs, PluginSettings, PluginContexts
class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'full_python_path.my_app'

    # Class attribute that configures and enables this app as a Plugin App.
    plugin_app = {

        # Configuration setting for Plugin URLs for this app.
        PluginURLs.CONFIG: {

            # Configure the Plugin URLs for each project type, as needed. The full list of project types for edx-platform is
            # here:
            # .
            # Other IDAs may use different values.
            'lms.djangoapp': {

                # The namespace to provide to django's urls.include.
                PluginURLs.NAMESPACE: 'my_app',

                # The application namespace to provide to django's urls.include.
                # Optional; Defaults to None.
                PluginURLs.APP_NAME: 'my_app',

                # The regex to provide to django's urls.url.
                # Optional; Defaults to r''.
                PluginURLs.REGEX: r'^api/my_app/',

                # The python path (relative to this app) to the URLs module to be plugged into the project.
                # Optional; Defaults to 'urls'.
                PluginURLs.RELATIVE_PATH: 'api.urls',

        # Configuration setting for Plugin Settings for this app.
        PluginSettings.CONFIG: {

            # Configure the Plugin Settings for each Project Type, as needed. The full list of setting types for edx-platform is
            # here:
            # .
            # Other IDAs may use different values.
            'lms.djangoapp': {

                # Configure each settings, as needed.
                'production': {

                    # The python path (relative to this app) to the settings module for the relevant Project Type and Settings Type.
                    # Optional; Defaults to 'settings'.
                    PluginSettings.RELATIVE_PATH: 'settings.production',
                'common': {
                    PluginSettings.RELATIVE_PATH: 'settings.common',

        # Configuration setting for Plugin Signals for this app.
        PluginSignals.CONFIG: {

            # Configure the Plugin Signals for each Project Type, as needed.
            'lms.djangoapp': {

                # The python path (relative to this app) to the Signals module containing this app's Signal receivers.
                # Optional; Defaults to 'signals'.
                PluginSignals.RELATIVE_PATH: 'my_signals',

                # List of all plugin Signal receivers for this app and project type.
                PluginSignals.RECEIVERS: [{

                    # The name of the app's signal receiver function.
                    PluginSignals.RECEIVER_FUNC_NAME: 'on_signal_x',

                    # The full path to the module where the signal is defined.
                    PluginSignals.SIGNAL_PATH: 'full_path_to_signal_x_module.SignalX',

                    # The value for dispatch_uid to pass to Signal.connect to prevent duplicate signals.
                    # Optional; Defaults to full path to the signal's receiver function.
                    PluginSignals.DISPATCH_UID: 'my_app.my_signals.on_signal_x',

                    # The full path to a sender (if connecting to a specific sender) to be passed to Signal.connect.
                    # Optional; Defaults to None.
                    PluginSignals.SENDER_PATH: 'full_path_to_sender_app.ModelZ',

        # Configuration setting for Plugin Contexts for this app.
        PluginContexts.CONFIG: {

            # Configure the Plugin Signals for each Project Type, as needed.
            'lms.djangoapp': {

                # Key is the view that the app wishes to add context to and the value
                # is the function within the app that will return additional context
                # when called with the original context
                'course_dashboard': 'my_app.context_api.get_dashboard_context'

OR use string constants when they cannot import from djangoapps.plugins:

from django.apps import AppConfig
class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'full_python_path.my_app'

    plugin_app = {
        'url_config': {
            'lms.djangoapp': {
                'namespace': 'my_app',
                'regex': '^api/my_app/',
                'relative_path': 'api.urls',
        'settings_config': {
            'lms.djangoapp': {
                'production': { 'relative_path': 'settings.production' },
                'common': { 'relative_path': 'settings.common' },
        'signals_config': {
            'lms.djangoapp': {
                'relative_path': 'my_signals',
                'receivers': [{
                    'receiver_func_name': 'on_signal_x',
                    'signal_path': 'full_path_to_signal_x_module.SignalX',
                    'dispatch_uid': 'my_app.my_signals.on_signal_x',
                    'sender_path': 'full_path_to_sender_app.ModelZ',
        'view_context_config': {
            'lms.djangoapp': {
                'course_dashboard': 'my_app.context_api.get_dashboard_context'

5. For Plugin Settings, insert the following function into each of the Plugin Settings modules that you created in the /settings folder:

def plugin_settings(settings):
    # Update the provided settings module with any app-specific settings.
    # For example:
    #     settings.FEATURES['ENABLE_MY_APP'] = True
    #     settings.MY_APP_POLICY = 'foo'

Local Testing#

To test your plugin locally with edx-platform, exec into a running lms or cms container and run make requirements followed by pip install git+

Then, open a shell using ./ lms shell and run:

>>> from django.apps import apps
>>> [app.verbose_name for app in apps.get_app_configs()]

You should see your app in the printed output.

Another easy way to test if your plugin is installed correctly is to create a simple management command within your plugin. If the plugin is installed correctly into edx-platform, you should be able to run this management command from within the lms or cms container.

Installing A Private Plugin ( only)#

See How to add private requirements to edx-platform (private link).