11.3. Enabling Entrance Exams

This topic describes how to enable entrance exams in your instance of Open edX.

11.3.1. Overview

Course teams can create an entrance exam for the course. Learners must pass the entrance exam before participating in the course.

To enable this feature on your instance of Open edX, you must enable entrance exams in Studio and the Learning Management System.

For information about entrance exams, see the Building and Running an Open edX Course and Open edX Learner’s guides.


Before proceeding, review Guidelines for Updating the Open edX Platform.

11.3.2. Configure the Milestones Application

  1. Set the value of MILESTONES_APP in the lms.env.json and cms.env.json files to True.

    # Milestones application flag
  2. Save the the lms.env.json and cms.env.json files.

  3. Run database migrations.

11.3.3. Enable Entrance Exams in Studio and the Learning Management System

To enable entrance exams, you modify the lms.env.json and cms.env.json files, which are located one level above the edx-platform directory.

  1. Set the value of ENTRANCE_EXAMS in the lms.env.json and cms.env.json files to True.

    # Entrance exams feature flag
  2. Save the lms.env.json and cms.env.json files.