5. Open edX Platform Installation Options

This section describes the Open edX installation options.

5.1. Open edX Developer Stack

The Open edX Developer Stack, known as Devstack, is a Vagrant instance designed for local development.

Devstack is in the edx configuration repository on GitHub.

This guide includes the following sections about Devstack:

Additional sections are planned for future versions of this guide.

See the edx configuration repository wiki for information from edX and the Open edX community about Devstack and other installation and configuration options. This wiki contains pages with more information about Devstack.

Given the large number of dependencies needed to develop extensions to Open edX Insights, a separate development environment is available to support analytics development. This guide includes the following section about the analytics devstack:

5.2. Open edX Fullstack

Open edX Fullstack, known as Fullstack, is a Vagrant instance designed for deploying all edX services on a single server.

Fullstack is in the edx configuration repository on GitHub.

This guide includes Installing Open edX Fullstack.

See the edx configuration repository wiki for information from edX and the Open edX community on Fullstack and other installation and configuration options.

5.2.1. Ubuntu 12.04 64

You can install Fullstack on a single Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit server.

Ubuntu information is planned for future versions of this guide.

See the edx configuration repository wiki for information from edX and the Open edX community about Ubuntu and other installation and configuration options.