Compiling a Theme

To update a theme, you compile the Sass files to create the CSS files that style your UI when you apply the theme. Update a Theme for the LMS or Studio

To update a theme for Studio or the LMS, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to the Open edX machine as the edxapp user.

  2. Change to the /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform directory.

  3. Execute the paver update_assets command to update all themes.

    If you want to update specific themes, use the arguments described in the following table.

    Argument Description
    --theme-dirs Provide a space-separated list of the theme directories that you want to update. Only files in the theme directories that you include are updated.
    --themes Provide a space-separated list of the themes that you want to update. Only the themes that you include are updated. Update a Theme for the E-commerce Service

For the E-commerce service, commands are available for you to update all themes at once, or to update only the themes you specify.

To update a theme for the E-commerce service, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to the server for the E-commerce service as the ecommerce user.

  2. Change to the /edx/app/ecommerce/ecommerce directory.

  3. To update all themes, execute one of these commands.

    • make migrate
    • python manage.py update_assets
  4. To specify a theme or set of themes to update, or to include optional arguments, execute python manage.py update_assets with the options described in the following table.

    Argument Description
    --settings Provide the name of a Django settings module in Python package syntax. For example, --settings=ecommerce.settings.production.
    --themes Provide a space-separated list of the themes that you want to update. Only the themes that you include are updated.
    --output-style Defines the coding style for the compiled CSS files. Possible values are nested, expanded, compact, and compressed. The default value is nested.
    --skip-system Disables Sass file compilation for the default Sass files provided in the Open edX software. Use this option if you have only updated the Sass files in your theme.
    --skip-collect Only compile the Sass files and do not deploy the resulting CSS files.
    --enable-source-comments Include the location of the source file as comments in the resulting CSS files. Enabling this argument can be useful when you are testing a theme.