12.2. Taking a Timed Exam

This section describes timed exams and explains how to complete them.

12.2.1. Timed Exam Overview

Timed exams are sets of problems that you must complete in a limited amount of time. The score you receive becomes part of your course progress record.

Timed exams are indicated in the course navigation pane by a clock icon and the label Timed Exam.

Course navigation in the LMS showing an exam with a clock icon and the label "Timed Exam."

After you begin taking a timed exam, a timer on the course page displays the amount of time that you have remaining to complete the exam. You cannot pause or reset a timed exam. When there is no time remaining, the course page automatically submits your exam.

The time limit for an exam applies to all of the units in an exam section. If an exam includes problems on multiple unit pages, you must complete the problems on each unit page before you submit the exam or before the time runs out.

You can request additional time to complete a timed exam. Course teams can increase the time allowed for individual learners if needed. You can only request additional time before you start a timed exam. For more information, see Requesting Additional Time.

12.2.2. Taking a Timed Exam

To take a timed exam, follow these steps.

  1. Open the timed exam page in the course.

  2. Find the length of the time limit on the exam page. Make sure that you have enough time available to complete the exam.


    You will not be able to pause or restart the exam after you begin.

    Course teams can allow individual learners to take additional time, if needed. For more information, see Requesting Additional Time.

  3. Select I am ready to start this timed exam.

  4. Complete the problems in each unit of the exam. Select Check to score the problems in the unit. If you do not select Check, your responses will not be scored.

  5. Monitor the amount of time remaining in the time display at the top of the course page.

    When 20% of the time remains, the time display bar darkens to alert you. When 5% of the time remains, the text on the time display bar becomes bold.

  6. After you have completed and checked all the units in the exam, select End My Exam at the top of the course page. If you run out of time, the exam will end automatically.


You must select Check to score the problems in each unit of an exam. If you submit an exam without selecting Check in a unit, your exam results will not include scores for any of the problems in that unit.

12.2.3. Requesting Additional Time

You can request additional time to complete a timed exam. Course teams and instructors can increase the time allowed for individual learners to accomodate specific needs.

You can only request additional time before you begin a timed exam. After you start an exam, the course team cannot allow more time for that exam attempt.

Course teams decide whether or not to grant additional time based on the criteria that they choose. You can get information about the availability of additional time from your course team.