Your installation of Open edX can be configured to be a learning tool interoperability (LTI) provider to other systems and applications. If your Open edX site is configured to be an LTI provider, you can present content from an Open edX course in any application that is configured to be a consumer of that content. As a result, you can reuse Open edX course content, including advanced problem types and videos, in contexts other than the Open edX LMS. Examples include courses running on Canvas, Blackboard, and other learning management systems and applications.
For more information about the configuration process for this feature, see Configuring an edX Instance as an LTI Tool Provider in the Installing, Configuring, and Running the Open edX Platform guide.
You use the topics in this section to prepare your course for reuse.
You can also include content from an LTI provider in your Open edX courses. For more information, see LTI Component.