You might want to make sure that your learners have a specific set of skills and knowledge before they take your course.
You can require that your learners pass a particular edX course before they enroll in your course. Learners see information about course prerequisites on the course About page.
If learners have not completed the prerequisite course, they can enroll in your course and then see your course on their learner dashboards. However, unlike with other courses, the dashboard does not provide a link to the course content. The dashboard includes a link to the About page for the prerequisite course. Learners can enroll in the prerequisite course from the About page.
To define one course as the prerequisite for another, you must be the course creator in both the current course and in the prerequisite course.
To specify a prerequisite course, follow these steps.
Currently, you can specify only one prerequisite course.
You can require your learners to pass an entrance exam before they access your course materials. If you include an entrance exam, learners who enroll in your course can only access the Entrance Exam page until they pass the exam. After learners pass the exam, they can access all released materials in your course.
To require an entrance exam, follow these steps.
After you save your changes, Studio automatically creates an Entrance Exam section in your course outline. To add content to your entrance exam, go to the course outline.
We strongly recommend that you follow several guidelines to help you and your learners have a positive experience with entrance exams.
You create your course entrance exam from the course outline in Studio. Creating entrance exam content is just like creating other course content. For more information, see Adding Course Components.
If you find an error in the exam after learners have taken it, and corrections to the exam are unavoidable, you have several options to rescore the exam for individual learners. These options are available on the Instructor Dashboard.
On the Instructor Dashboard, select Student Admin, and then locate the Entrance Exam Grade Adjustment section. The following options are available.
Another option on the Instructor Dashboard is Show Background Task History for Student. If you reset learner attempts, rescore learner submissions, or delete learner state, the operation runs in the background. If you want to see a record of all the operations that have run for the entrance exam, select Show Background Task History for Student.