Creating Products Overview

6.4.1. Creating Products Overview#

The edX platform offers several types of products. You create these products in E-Commerce web pages.

  • Course seats represent an enrollment track. Each course seat has an associated set of attributes, such as price and certificate availability. The edX code uses course seats to determine how a given enrollment should be handled. For more information, see Create Course Seats.

  • Coupons allow you to offer learners a discount, either percentage or fixed amount, on a course enrollment. For more information, see Create and Manage Coupons.

  • Enrollment codes allow users to purchase bulk enrollments for a course. For more information, see Enable and Create Enrollment Codes.

  • Programs are collections of related courses. Learners can enroll in and purchase courses separately, or you can configure programs to allow one- click purchasing of all courses in a program. For more information, see About Programs. Start the E-Commerce Service#

Before you can create a product, you must start the E-Commerce service on your site. Follow these steps to start the E-Commerce service.

  1. In the ecommerce and LMS configuration files (/edx/etc/ecommerce.yml and /edx/app/edxapp/lms.yml, respectively), verify the following settings.


    If you are using devstack, these values are set correctly for you. However, edX recommends that you verify these values.

    • The EDX_API_KEY value in the LMS file must be the same as the EDX_API_KEY value in the ecommerce file. If the values differ, change the value in the LMS file to match the ecommerce file.

    • The ECOMMERCE_API_SIGNING_KEY value in the LMS file must be the same as the JWT_SECRET_KEY value in the ecommerce file. If the values differ, change the value in the LMS file to match the ecommerce file.

  2. On devstack, start the E-Commerce server on port 8002, and start the LMS on port 8000.