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Installing, Configuring, and Running the Open edX Platform
1. General Information
1.1. Read Me
1.2. Getting Help
1.3. Other edX Resources
1.4. Open edX Browser Support
2. Open edX Platform Releases
2.1. Open edX Olive Release
2.2. Open edX Nutmeg Release
2.3. Open edX Maple Release
2.4. Open edX Lilac Release
2.5. Open edX Koa Release
2.6. Open edX Juniper Release
2.7. Open edX Ironwood Release
2.8. Open edX Hawthorn Release
2.9. Open edX Ginkgo Release
2.10. Open edX Ficus Release
2.11. Open edX Eucalyptus Release
2.12. Open edX Dogwood Release
2.13. Open edX Cypress Release
2.14. Open edX Birch Release
3. Installing and Starting the Open edX Platform
3.2.1. Open edX Tutor Installation
4. Configuring the Open edX Platform
4.1. Guidelines for Updating the Open edX Platform
4.2. Configuring Open edX Sites
4.2.1. Create an Open edX Site
4.2.2. Configuring Sites Independently
4.3. Changing the Appearance of Open edX Sites
4.3.1. Changing Themes for an Open edX Site Themes Overview Root Directories for Theme Files Creating a Theme Enabling and Applying Themes Compiling a Theme
4.3.2. Styling Drag and Drop Problems
4.4. Adding Custom Fields to the Registration Page
4.5. Specifying Allowed Registration Email Patterns
4.6. Adding the CourseTalk Widget
4.7. Enabling Open edX Search
4.8. Enabling Course Certificates
4.9. Enabling Self-Paced Courses
4.10. Enabling Public Course Content
4.11. Enabling Custom Courses
4.12. Enabling Custom Course Settings
4.13. Enabling Discussion Notifications
4.14. Enabling Entrance Exams
4.15. Configuring Open Response Assessments
4.15.1. Configuring ORA2 to Upload Files to Alternative Storage Systems
4.15.2. Prohibiting Submission of Specified File Types
4.16. Enabling Course Prerequisites
4.17. Enabling Course and Video Licensing
4.18. Configuring Transcript Behavior
4.19. Configuring an edX Instance as an LTI Tool Provider
4.19.1. Enable LTI Provider Functionality
4.19.2. Configuring Credentials for a Tool Consumer
4.19.3. Define an Interval for Grade Aggregation (Optional)
4.19.4. Options for LTI Authentication and User Provisioning
4.19.5. Configuring Open edX User Authentication for LTI
4.20. Enabling Social Sharing of Courses and Certificates
4.21. Configuring a Password Policy
4.22. Enabling Third Party Authentication
4.22.1. Supported Identity Providers
4.22.2. SSO Behavior
4.22.3. Integrating Third Party Authentication in Open edX Integrating with an OAuth2 Identity Provider Integrating with a SAML Identity Provider
4.22.4. Configuring your Open edX Site as a SAML Service Provider
4.22.5. Advanced Third Party Authentication Features
4.22.6. Eliminating PII From Third-Party Authentication
4.22.7. Third Party Auth ID Mapping API
4.23. Enabling Timed Exams
4.24. Setting Up the YouTube API Key
4.25. Installing an XBlock
4.26. Enabling a CDN for Course Assets
4.27. Enabling the Weekly Learning Goals Feature
4.28. Retrieving Extended Profile Metadata
5. Adding edX Insights for Course Teams
5.1. Options for Installing edX Insights
5.2. Using Elastic MapReduce on AWS
6. Adding E-Commerce to the Open edX Platform
6.1. Install and Start the E-Commerce Service
6.2. Comprehensive Theming
6.3. Manage Static Assets
6.4. Create E-Commerce Products
6.4.1. Creating Products Overview
6.4.2. Create Course Seats
6.4.3. Create and Manage Coupons
6.4.4. Enable and Create Enrollment Codes
6.4.5. About Programs
6.4.6. Create Program Offers
6.5. Enable the E-Commerce Service Receipt Page
6.6. Manage Orders
6.7. Test Your E-Commerce Application
6.8. Additional E-Commerce Features
6.8.1. Sending Notifications
6.8.2. Changing Payment Processors
6.8.3. Apple Pay
6.8.4. Tracking Data
6.8.5. Gating E-Commerce Service Features
6.8.6. Maintaining the E-Commerce Service
6.9. Internationalization
7. Setting Up the Open edX Mobile Applications
8. Index of Open edX Feature Flags
9. Glossary
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