12.6.4. Grading Remote Content


This feature was a closed pilot experiment. This feature is not supported for new users.

When you include the problem components in a graded edX subsection in an external LMS, the edX system grades the learner responses to those problems. The edX system then transfers the learner scores back to the external LMS. This exchange between an external LMS, the edX system, and the external LMS again is near real time. It can take a few moments to complete this exchange for a single problem component, and up to several minutes to return aggregated scores of all of the problems in a unit or subsection.

When you include edX problem components in an external LMS, note the following requirements.

  • The edX problem component must be in one of the graded subsections in your course.
  • Your external LMS might also require that you use a specific part of the course for graded content. For example, in Canvas, you must add the LTI URL of a problem component to the “Assignments” section of a course, or to a module item that points to an assignment. In addition, the user who launches the LTI material must be eligible to get a grade for the assignment; that is, a learner and not a TA or course designer.

For more information about constructing an LTI URL for a course component, see Determining Content Addresses.