17.6. Guidance for Discussion Moderators
Discussion forums are hugely important tools in running a successful MOOC;
they allow for substantive community development, in addition to being
excellent sources of feedback and ideas for future iterations of the course.
Moderators are the key to effectively managing these online communities.
Moderators keep the discussions productive and relay important information
(errors, learner confusion with or interest in particular topics, and so on)
to the rest of the course team. Discussions can be moderated by any of a
number of members of the course team, but dedicating enough time to moderation
is the best way to cultivate a successful discussion culture.
Feel free to use some or all of the information in this section to guide the
contributions of your discussion moderators.
- Answer basic questions posed by learners, and direct learners with questions
to the right resources: syllabi, course documents, course updates, useful
lecture segments, example problems, etc.
- Relay reports of errata, common misconceptions and questions, highly
disruptive participants, bugs, and amusing or interesting posts to the most
appropriate course team members.
- Enforce the Honor Code by editing or deleting problem answers, or requests
for answers, promptly.
- Edit out offensive content from the discussion, and remind the originators
of discussion etiquette and expectations.
- Communicate problems and successes to your fellow moderators.
- Identify learners whose presence in the discussions has a strongly positive
impact. These learners can be promoted to community TA role and publicly
- Add helpful items to the FAQ or to a welcome message or course handout.
- Good or great content knowledge: stellar learners from previous years often
make good moderators.
- Solid communication skills: the ability to organize positive, consistent, and
effective communication with learners, other moderators, and members of the
course team.
- Time: keeping up-to-date with the discussions for a large MOOC requires at
least 5 hours per week for reading posts, replying to or editing posts, and
communicating with the other moderators and the course team.
- Enthusiasm: this is the best predictor of moderator excellence!
- Always maintain a positive attitude. Keeping a positive attitude is crucial
to encouraging participation in the discussion community.
- Encourage discussion between learners. Actively thank learners who answer
the questions of others.
- Use the course’s FAQ and updates or handouts on Course pages as resources.
Provide links to these pages in your responses when appropriate. Suggest that
information be added to these resources when necessary to respond to a common
question or fix confusion.
- Always make it obvious that you have read the learner’s question. When you
post a response, make sure that you are on topic. Respond in the context of
the thread.
- Develop a discussion persona. Try to answer your questions in your own
slightly unique way.
Certain types of posts require more attention from the moderators than others,
or might need to be handled in a particular way. Time Sensitive Problems
- Try to be present on discussion threads when assignment due dates are
approaching or new content is being released. The discussions tend to be
extra busy at these times.
- Alert the course team about problems that need to be dealt with quickly,
such as problems with graded assignments. Setting up a course email address
that is checked frequently is a good way to manage such alerts. Content Questions
- Assist with content questions sensitively, but be careful not to post
spoilers. Do not ask learners to post their solutions!
- A good guiding question can be better than an answer. Redundant Posts
- When possible, help discourage redundancy by responding to such posts with
links to an earlier or higher quality thread that asks the same question.
- When responding to a post, search for similar posts and respond to the most
pertinent thread. Redirect the other posts to the thread with your response
and then close the redundant threads. Off Topic, Inappropriate, or Offensive Posts
- Do not simply delete inappropriate or offensive posts. Instead, edit and
explain why the posts were edited. Inappropriate posts include spoilers,
solutions, and information on how to pirate educational materials.
- Check links that learners post. If you find links to offensive sites and
materials, they need to be edited quickly. Bugs or Errors
Check to confirm that there is in fact an error.
- If not, suggest to the learners that they check their work.
- If so, contact members of the course team, and notify the thread that the
error has been reported.
Use language that does not assign blame or discourage users from the
You might say: “Thanks for letting us know about that issue. We
are working with edX to get it fixed as quickly as possible.” Feature Requests
Keep an organized collection of feature requests cultivated by the course
team. That list can subsequently be shared with an edX product manager, who
will log those requests internally.
Reply to the post to let the person know that their request was heard,
without promising that the feature will be implemented.
You might say: “Thanks for your suggestion. I’ve logged it for review by edX
staff, who will prioritize feature requests on the development roadmap.”
Search the discussions for other similar requests, and respond to and close
those as well.